This is theonly reverb you’llever need: theW2 from Wizoo.The W2 unites all important reverb technologies with unequalled soundquality and flexibility.
TheW2 includes15 HDIR(High DefinitionImpulse Response)models, providingacoustic fingerprintsof excellentsounding roomswith a precisionandclarityonly possiblewiththisground breaking technology.HDIRis thedifferencebetween ‘addinganeffect’ and ‘putting your track into a real room’.
The W2 also includes the unbelievably flexible, transparent and natural sounding AIR algorithmic reverb.
And it gets even better: Both technologies can be combinedseamlessly
- the ambience of a real danceclub with an infinite reverb tail no problem.
Naturally the W2will load yourexisting impulse responses,but even better the IRoptimization will makeyour imported impulseresponses soundwaybetterthan inanyotherconventional impulseresponse reverb.
Superior reverbquality tomake everymix soundbetter, withthree technologies in one and a huge range of creative possibilities - the W2 sets the new standard for music production, post production,mastering and all other reverb applications.
Key Features:
HDIRstandard:High-end roomemulationwith unprecedentedquality, definition, clarity and spatial accuracy.
AIR: Vast range of creative options from slight adjustments to entirely surreal spaces.
Import of impulse responses, IRoptimization make even user IRssound significantly better than in conventional reverbs.
Flexible combination of AIR and HDIR, mode can be chosen separately for Early Reflections and Reverb Tail.
Complete set of 15 HDIR models.
100 user-editable presets fromhigh-end room emulations tocompletely surreal spaces.
Fastyetdeepeditingoptionsincludinggraphicimpulse response editing and detailed room parametrization.
Highly optimizedCPU efficiency– multipleinstances usableeven on average systems.
True Stereo: The reverb signal accurately reflects the signal position, leaving the imaging of the mix intact.
More features:
HDIR models: Ambience, Booth, Cathedral, Chamber Large, Chamber Medium, ChamberSmall,Church,Concert Hall,DanceClub,Opera House, PhilharmonicHall, RoomSmall, ScoringStage, StudioLarge, Studio Small.
HDIR and IR editparameters: Directivity, Pre-Delay, ER/TailBalance, Spread, ER/Tail Crossing, MainTime, Low Freq, Low Time, High Freq, High Time, Length, Attack Time, Attack Slope, Decay Time, Decay Slope.
AIR edit parameters: Pre-Delay, ER/Tail Balance, Spread, MainTime,Low Freq, Low Time, High Freq, High Time, Tail Delay, Room Size,Ambience, Density, Color.
Sound shaping: high-end parametric EQ with HS Freq, HS Gain, Mid1 Freq, Mid1 Gain, Mid1 Q, Mid2 Freq, Mid2 Gain, Mid2 Q, LS Freq, LS Gain.
Presets:100 editableand categorizedpresets, browserfor instant access.
FrontPanelcontrols:Pre-Delay,Size,Timeandtwo assignable parameters directly accessible from the main surface.
Full automation of all parameters.
Installation Tip :
1) Unzip, Unrar and run Setup.exe
2) Enjoy!!
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